Emma’s Exercise – Time for a Stretch!
“Hip Flexor Stretch”

This can easily lead into an exercise. In fact, it is the start position of many!!
But for today we will focus on the stretch and not so much on the ‘work’.

Who has tight hip flexors (area across the front of the hip)? Who tends to get grippy in their hip flexors? These are usually overworked muscles due to long periods of time spent in a seated position.

This is a great way to open up the front of your hips and create some openness! This is one of my favorite stretches that I use with my foam roller-daily. If you do not have a foam roller it doesn’t matter! Use whatever you’ve got to prop your pelvis UP-block, bolster, blankets, towels rolled up, etc). Place it underneath your sacrum and notice what position your pelvis is in. If you can, keep your pelvis in NEUTRAL (but avoid over extending) . If you must imprint, notice how deep it is (avoid over flexing). Stay tuned into this particular area so you can avoid causing unnecessary tension. Check in with your lowback-be careful of propping it up TOO HIGH. You should not have any straining in your lowback or upper body.👍

Focus on the leg that is extended (if your long leg doesn’t feel good on your low back, you can always bend the long leg and bring your foot to rest flat on the ground). Reach it long and away from your body (keeping in mind that you are creating length but at the same time keeping your hips squared-i.e. you’re avoiding letting your leg reach so long that it moves your pelvis). The opposite leg (bent leg) is drawing in towards your body without allowing movement in your hips/pelvis. If you have knee concerns and cannot bend your knee deeply-that is okay! Take it to your degree! If the leg has to stay straight-that is okay!👌

You may hold the stretch for as many rounds of deep breathing as you would like! Visualize your sending your breath to the hip area. This release should feel very nice! Try for a 5 second inhale and 5 second exhale. SOAK your body with your breath. Check in with your jaw and neck. Keep them happy. 😁
Your weight should be distributed across your shoulders not your neck.😊
Explore what level of height YOUR hips like to be propped up at. Use varying heights with the props you have. I know that the foam roller I use for this stretch is the best level because I’ve spent the time researching my body.

Have fun stretching and I hope it melts your hips just like butter!